
Hi, I'm Thomas Puckett, a software developer and high school student with an interest in Rust and game development.

Image by @reelrollsweat on tumblr

Cartoon rendition of Thomas with red horns by @reelrollsweat on tumblr.

About me

Hi, I'm Thomas Puckett, a programmer and game developer from Kentucky.
My primary tools of choice includes:

  • Rust w/ Bevy and Egui
  • Lua

While I have my preferred tooling and languages, I am a quick learner and can easily adapt once I know the basics of the tooling provided. Even before that, learning the basics typically comes easily to me, so I should be able to adapt to any environment I'm put in.

Beyond coding, I'm passionate about learning the Japanese language and culture surrounding it. While I wouldn't say I'm anywhere near fluent, I love interacting with natives and native media. Seeing how different we are culturally is fascinating. I love it. Oh, I also play a TON of games, Counter-Strike being my favorite series behind Borderlands. Titanfall 2 is up there though. I love Source engine movement in any capacity though, it's so much fun.

Reach out! Let's talk!

Contact Details


Kentucky, USA


Time zone


Currently working through my senior year of high school.

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